★ 瀑布游览更深度:加游漩涡公园,尼亚加拉军事要塞古堡
★ 短时间多景点:4天时间便可畅游美国名城、2大名校,最短时间对美国政治、经济、文化、教育的认知面面俱到!
★ 特色风味餐:不可错过的波士顿龙虾餐和新英格兰蛤蜊巧达浓汤(自费)!
交 通:根据宾客的人数安排空调巴士或者中巴、高顶车等接送 (请参见接应时间和地点)
住 宿:3晚酒店住宿
司 导:纽约最具经验的专职双语导游和驾驶经验丰富的司机
保 险:500万/1000万美元以上的巴士意外责任保险(不包含在巴士以外发生的事故)
交 通:您往返出发地和纽约机场以及预定的接送地点的机票和相关交通费用
餐 食:所有个人费用和饮食
服 务:提供给导游和司机的服务费(支付司机及导游服务费:最低$10.00/人/天)
自 费:行程中的门票或自费项目(自费项目和价格最终请以出团当天的实际项目和售票窗口的实际价格为准)
- Your purchase does not guarantee confirmation. Your purchase will initiate a reservation process. We will confirm with you via email within one to two business days.
- Prices may vary due to availability. We reserve the right to make price adjustment without prior notice.
- Please refer to our Cancellation and Refund Policy before you make reservation.
- Please refer to Customer Agreement before you make reservation.
- Local tour provider reserves the right to make modifications to tour arrangements including order of tour activities, hotel and its location if deemed necessary.