• Take a fantastic West Coast tour from Los Angeles
• Experience the wonders of the West
• Visit either the mighty Grand Canyon or the graceful Antelope Canyon
• Travel to the magical city of San Francisco
• See the lights of Las Vegas
双人一间 三人一间 四人一间 单人一间 单人配房
$478.00/人起 $325.33/人起 $326.00/人起 $718.00/人起 $558.00/人起
买 二 送 一
*四人/间(总价)=双人/间单价X2+$24(洛杉矶酒店差价) + 小孩单价
* 接送机:每个预定单提供一次指定时间内的免费接机和送机服务
* 酒店:六晚酒店住宿,所有酒店提供标准间
* 交通:根据团队人数安排相应的空调巴士和行程中的交通
* 服务:专职双语导游和超过10年驾驶经验的车长
* 餐食:行程中的餐食
* 交通:往返目的地的机票及相关交通费用
* 服务:导游和司机的服务费$9.00/人/天, 接机服务费$4.00/人/次
* 自费:自费项目及其他个人消费(行程中餐食参考消费标准约$30.00/人/天,自费项目数量和价格可能会因为季节变化而有所调整,仅供参考,请您以出团当日导游确认的项目及价格为准)
- Your purchase does not guarantee confirmation. Your purchase will initiate a reservation process. We will confirm with you via email within one to two business days.
- Prices may vary due to availability. We reserve the right to make price adjustment without prior notice.
- Please refer to our Cancellation and Refund Policy before you make reservation.
- Please refer to Customer Agreement before you make reservation.
- Local tour provider reserves the right to make modifications to tour arrangements including order of tour activities, hotel and its location if deemed necessary.
早餐:不含 午餐:不含 晚餐:不含
早餐:不含 午餐:不含 晚餐:不含
早餐:不含 午餐:不含 晚餐:不含
早餐:自理 午餐:自理 晚餐:自理
早餐:自理 午餐:自理 晚餐:自理
早餐:自理 午餐:自理 晚餐:自理